Hurricane Wayne Jenkins Apps

Black Belt Billiards 2.0
Black Belt Billiards is the newest &fastest growing way toget real control of your game and make you the best playerthat you can be, whether you are a league, local tournament,or road tournament player.Mental concentration, ball pocketing, cue ball control &ballspeed are the 4 skills needed to become a highly skilledplayer.Lack in any one of these skills and you will always befustratedtrying to reach that higher level of play.Black Belt Billiards includes:1 skill level challenge game.This is an easy game to find out your true skill level. It isalsoused to compare your first score to your score after youhave completed this book! The increase in your skill levelwill amaze you!20 target practice tables to perfect your cue ball control.By giving you a real target to shoot at you earn points foreach shot trying to shoot a perfect 100 points per table!These are not as easy as you think they are!5 point challenge games.In these games you continually score points and try to scorehigher each time you play the game, increasing yourconcentration level as you play for longer periods of time!5 skill challenge tables.There are special rules for each table. Ball must be pocketedinto marked pockets. You are not allowed to make contact withcertain rails. You must make contact with certain rails. Youmaynot be allowed to make contact with any rail. Each game isdifferent, but they will test your abilities and your patiencefromtime to time!Black Belt Billiards gives you a belt ranking for each of the4sections in the book. This way you can see which area ofyour game needs more practice.Black Belt Billiards also gives you an overall belt ranking attheend so you can see your improvement the next time you playthrough the book.These are the games that I have played for the last 4 yearstoget my skill level up to where it is today. Since I started thisasmy practice routine I have gone from an average player to avery highly skilled road tournament player and I have won 127amateur pool tournaments.You can achieve any level of play that you desire. Itwon'thappen overnight. It won't come easy. No one is going to giveit to you. You will have to earn it. But, it can be earned. Ifyoutruly believe it can."Hurricane" Wayne Jenkins